Saturday, April 29, 2006

Peace (Joel's 135 tips)


We, human beings, possess great inner qualities which can illuminate the whole world, and also tragic flaws which can pull the whole world into the abyss of violence and destruction. We can either succumb to these tragic flaws, or light the torch of humanism that will shine forever, and bring peace to the world.

A lasting world peace will never be initiated politically; it will begin first in the hearts and minds of each of us. Until we have peace within our families and our communities and most importantly ourselves, no government will ever have the power to bring peace to us.

Joel’s 135 tips

1. Put a beautiful smile on your face. It will bring about others’ smiles.
2. Be kind to others.
3. Be kind to animals.
4. Do not be selfish.
5. Make room for peace at home. Outer peace begins with inner peace.
6. Show gratitude to all the people around you.
7. Appreciate every little thing you receive from others.
8. Plant flowers and little trees in your garden, and take good care of them.
9. Put some potted plants in your room, and take good care of them.
10. Always ask yourself what you can do to help others.
11. Love and respect yourself.
12. Love and respect others.
13. Open up your heart to all the people in the world.
14. Listen to other people open-mindedly.
15. Always tell the truth even when it is not easy.
16. Be polite and humble.
17. Live with the spirit of a WORLD CITIZEN.
18. Always accomplish your duties.
19. Uphold and defend moral rules.
20. Do not use curse words.
21. Never, Never, Never kill living creatures.
22. Do not preach hatred.
23. Be an activist of WORLD PEACE.
24. Write to newspapers on issues relating to antiracism, nonviolence, peace, freedom, and so forth.
25. Do not hold grudges.
26. Take part in peaceful demonstrations to protest violence.
27. Be convinced that peace is not a utopian dream; it is achievable!
28. Convince others that peace is achievable.
29. Do not seek revenge.
30. Protect life because it is precious.
31. Let us live together and share the world with all other living creatures.  
32. Be always in control of your temper. 
33. Read books about Gandhi, King, Mandela and other peace activists.
34. Free your mind from all social evils.  
35. Read the HUMAN RIGHTS and follow them. 
36. Make time in your life for consistent daily prayers. 
37. Do not persecute others. 
38. Act sincerely from the heart rather than from customs. 
39. Keep your environment clean. 
40. Respect individuality. Every person in this world has his or her own brilliance.
41. Have a true democratic spirit.  
42. Always work for a better global order. 
43. Your involvement in the preservation of human rights, freedom, justice and peace is absolutely necessary. 
44. Do not consider yourself better than others. 
45. What you do not wish done to yourself, you should not do to others.
46. Always remember that no state, no ethnic group, no religion has the right to hate or mistreat others. 
47. Think, discuss and express your own opinions freely. 
48. Be socially active.    
49. Have a vision based on personal values and judgment.  
50. Do not place too much emphasis on money and material possessions.
51. Do not abandon yourself to pleasures. 
52. Develop your inner qualities. 
53. Learn about the atrocities some Europeans committed on African slaves, American Indians and Australian aborigines.
54. You must help create a world where compassion for others replaces brutality.  
55. Adopt nonviolence to fight the battle for truth.  
56. Do not close your eyes to the past history of your country.  
57. Reflect on the history of wars from an impartial standpoint. 
58. Learn about the atrocities the Japanese Imperial Military committed on innocent people in Asia in the past.
59. Learn about the Holocaust that took place in Europe during World War II.
60. Learn about the misery and suffering caused by the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 
61. Learn about the former Yugoslavia, Rwanda, Liberia ...
62. Sympathize with all the people who have suffered under invasions and colonial rules.
63. Learn about the dangers of totalitarian regimes, and raise your voice against them. 
64. Learn the valuable lessons offered by history, and help improve human dignity.
65. Show sincerity in handling the sentiment of people that have suffered from discrimination, wars and violence. 
66. Avoid remarks or jokes about subjects like race, religion, disability or age.
67. Do not ignore harassment, discrimination and other crimes. 
68. Do not overuse the resources of the world because you will deprive people elsewhere of them.
69. Do not only learn about peace, you need to be active in trying to bring it about. 
70. Remember that peace is not just antiwar or antiviolence, but much more than that. As long as we have injustice and strife within our communities, we are not in peace. 
71. Social changes begin on an individual level. So, work mindfully to improve the relationships in your own life.
72. Be fair.
73. Respect and appreciate all the cultures in the world.
74. Do not join the military in order to go to war.
75. You have the right to disobey any immoral rules coming from authorities.
76. Raise your voice against all weapons.
77. Raise your voice against the use of military violence in resolving conflicts.
78. Always go to vote. 
79. Be charitable and share what you have with others, especially those in need.
80. Do not look down on the needy.
81. Fight against poverty and misery. 
82. Never think you are too powerless to make a difference.
83. Free yourself from useless worldly attachments. 
84. Give your affection freely and constantly to others.  
85. Help calm the anger of others. 
86. Reconcile with anyone you once argued or fought with.  
87. Walk in the same direction as all the peace lovers in the world.  
88. Do not compare yourself to others.
89. Try to understand others and get along with them.
90. Do not neglect your body.  
91. Always learn from your mistakes. 
92. Always apologize to people you have hurt. 
93 Do not worry about anybody getting ahead of you because life is not a race.
94 Be courageous.
95. Do not worry about triumph.
96. Do not worry about growing old because aging is a natural process.
97. Do not bully or abuse weaker creatures.
98. Be kind to the nature. Nurture a sense of familiarity with the nature and friendship with other living creatures.  
99. Learn about the world. 
100. Discuss social problems with your family, friends and teachers; and try to think of solutions to them.
101. Never keep birds in a cage.  
102. Do not deprive any living creature from its FREEDOM.
103. Be involved in volunteer activities: deliver food to homeless people, visit lonely senior citizens and sick people, distribute toys and clothes to less fortunate children ... 
104. Lead a healthy life: exercise every day, eat a balanced diet, do not smoke, do not use drugs, do not drink too much alcohol, make sure you get enough sleep ...
105. Enrich your spirit.
106. Do not commit suicide. 
107. Do not be influenced by money, profit, honor or vanity. 
108. Be a human of penetrating insight. 
109. Be aware of the Seven Social Sins that are engraved on Mahatma Gandhi’s tombstone:
1. Politics without Principles
2. Wealth without Work
3. Pleasure without Conscience
4. Knowledge without Character
5. Commerce without Morality
6. Science without Humanity
7. Worship without Sacrifice
110. Always share your joys and sorrows with people around you.
111. You should know when a rule is to be followed and when it should not be followed.
112. Never blame a whole nation for the acts of individuals.
113. Reject extreme nationalism and xenophobia.
114. Encourage others to do good things.
115. Be a positive role model.
116. Enjoy music and arts.
117. Be optimistic about the future.
118. Solve problems cooperatively.
119. Value multiculturalism and diversity.
120. Think critically and creatively.
121. Make responsible decisions and take meaningful actions.
122. Cherish family gatherings.
123. Do not work mainly for money.
124. Have a pure heart.
125. Praise people for their good actions.
126. Make others happy.
127. Do not break promises.
128. When someone asks you for something, give it to him or her.
129. Talk to your enemies.
130. Always clarify your words and ideas to avoid misunderstandings.
131. Learn about different cultures.
132. Where there is no vision, the people perish; so have a clear vision and focus on the future. 133. Start every single day of your life with hope and positive thinking.
134. Be content with what you have
135. Give PEACE the first place in your heart.

Title: Peace
(Bilingual Japanese・English) 96 pages.
Tel: 0942-53-8644